Marketing and brand savvy to help business thrive
Writing samples
Writing samples
I am pleased to provide writing samples to give you a flavor of my strong writing skills across various industries, on a wide range of projects. Because much of the writing is proprietary in nature, I do not post it online.
At right are a few samples that are no longer considered "sensitive," or which have been changed to remove identity. Also check out my Blog on this site.
For more samples, send me a note on the Contact page so we can chat about what type of samples would be most pertinent to your project or business.
MARKETING PLAN: I wrote this last year to help JWT Minneapolis (a digital agency which has since been acquired by another company) to expand their client portfolio. See sample.
MARKETING INITIATIVE: I wrote this back in 2007 to address the need to engage more clinicians with "the CareLink community." It gives you a sense of my marketing strategy and writing ability. Read sample.
PRESENTATION: Here's a high-level presentation I gave to a group of small business owners. Most presentations are significantly more involved and complex than this one, but it will give you a flavor. See sample.
CASE STUDY: I wrote (and designed) this, based on interviews I conducted in Sweden with key personnel. The company, Perstorp, a global company with headquarters in Sweden, had adopted the software solution provided by my employer at the time, Stratyc. Read sample.
SPEECH WRITING: After visiting a client in Sweden (see above), I was asked to ghostwrite a speech they would give at a large chemical industry convention in Philadelphia later that year (2001). Read it here.